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American College Personnel Association & National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Practitioners


is the basic level you should achieve for all competency areas. The foundational level may demonstrate foundational performance in many different ways such as providing the course numbers of relevant classes or listing conference programs attended.


constitutes an advanced level of knowledge or skills . . . thorough competence derived from training and practice. The proficient level will be different competency areas than those validated at the foundational and exemplary levels, as it will provide qualitatively different and more substantial evidence at this level, such as a description of an activity completed, compared to the foundational level.


expects demonstration of performance in select competency areas at a high level. The exemplary level will be different competency areas than validated at the proficient and foundational levels, as it will provide qualitatively different and more substantial evidence at this level, such as an in-depth description accompanied with a paper, or other visual representation of a completed activity, compared to the foundational and proficient levels.

Professional Competencies: Services
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