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Exemplary Competency Assessment

As described by ACPA/NASPA (2016), Law, Policy, and Governance (LPG) focuses on “policy development processes used in various contexts, the application of legal constructs, compliance/policy issues, and the understanding of governance structures and their impact on one’s professional practice.” Knowledge and skills within this area such as understanding law and legal systems, knowing governance structures and resources, understanding of policy development and ethical practices, and more contribute to the competency development of LPG. According to ACPA/NASPA (2015, 2016), development and experiential outcomes within LPG include: 

  • “Describe evolving laws, policies, and judicial rulings that influence the student-institutional relationship and how they affect professional practice” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015).

  • “Act in accordance with national, state/ provincial, and local laws and with institutional policies regarding non-discrimination” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015). 

  • Describe the governance systems at one’s institution including the governance structures for faculty, student affairs professionals, staff, and students” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015). 

Activities and artifacts to fulfill my exemplary development within LPG include: 

HIED 7210: Law and Higher Education (Fall 2020) Legal Issues in Higher Education Paper, "The Power of Speech: Where Does Universities Draw the Line?" 

During the Fall of 2020, I completed a doctoral course, Law and Higher Education. This course is taught by an attorney, who now works in higher education. This course covers different legal issues within varying institution types, using actual case briefings. Part of this course was to complete a paper, analyzing a subject of the student’s choice. Following the leave of a BGSU employee, after sharing violent and discriminatory language via social media, I decided to explore free speech in higher education. From this, I explored topics such as protected and unprotected speech, government involvement regarding social media, employee rights, and university rights and responsibilities. ​

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Office of Title IX (2020) New Regulations Presentation Co-Facilitation with Title IX Director, Lakeshia Dowlen (for the Cocoon Center)

Following the issuance of updated Title IX federal regulations, along with many other institutions, the Office of Title IX worked to implement updated policies, procedures, and communications to inform students, staff, faculty, and other community members of Title IX regulations at BGSU. From this process, I worked to understand the differences between previous and updated policies, learn new stages of the Title IX process, and learn new points of contact and their roles. As a part of this process, the biggest challenge was learning how to categorize incidents that no longer classified as Title IX per the updated regulations – I identify this as a challenge for both myself and others within and outside of the Title IX realm. To help with this, the Office of Title at BGSU put together a presentation that was used to present to organizations such as the Cocoon Center (a local domestic violence shelter), as well as our Talking Title IX forum (an event coordinated by myself, Title IX Graduate Assistant and Title IX Director/Coordinator). 

  • Talking Title IX Forum is a series of dates/sessions that happen throughout the semester, allowing students, faculty, and staff to learn more about BGSU’s Title IX procedures, such as the Title IX process, as well as policies and violations. This includes outlining what are different forms of sexual harassment, discrimination, and other issues that categorize or connect to Title IX 

(Flyer made by Breion Hawkins)

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Office of the Dean of the Dean of Students (2020 - 2021) Student Conduct Practicum/Internship (at Bowling Green State University), Student Conduct Charges/Sanctions 

For this practicum, learning about university policies and policy implementation is key to the role of a Conduct Hearing Administrator. Entering the role, I was provided with information to educate me on different aspects on concepts within conduct. This information included conduct-related literature and theories, BGSU’s Student Code of Conduct, BGSU Conduct Procedures and Guidebook – provided to me in a binder. Utilizing this binder, I have been able to quickly refer to certain policies and sanction recommendations to guide me through conduct hearings. Throughout the practicum experience, I have become familiar with certain policies and have learned to detect their violations. Common policy violations I have issued include, 6.A.1.b. (furnishing false information), 6.A.2. (published university policies), 6.D.1.a. (use/possession of drugs), and 6.D.2.a. (use/possession of alcohol). Linked are downloaded excel reports from the university reporting system, Maxient, providing a breakdown of conduct cases and charge issues with sanction assignments.

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