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Proficient Competency Assessment

Organizational and Human Resources (OHR)

As described ACPA/NASPA (2016), Organizational and Human Resources (OHR) addresses the “management of institutional human capital, financial, and physical resources.” OHR highlights student affairs professionals experience with supervision and conflict resolution, and ability to implement organizational practices and policies. Knowledge and skills within this area such as understanding institutional policy and goals, professional networking, understand institutional practices, contribute to staffing structures, and more contribute to the competency development of OHR. According to ACPA/NASPA (2015, 2016), development and experiential outcomes within OHR include:

  • “Explain how job descriptions are designed and support overall staffing patterns in one’s work setting” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015). 

  • “Develop and utilize appropriate meeting materials” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015). 

  • “Identify the pros and cons of various staffing patterns, supporting job descriptions, and work process configurations related to one’s work setting” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015). 

Activities and artifacts to fulfill my proficient development within OHR include: 

Division of Diversity and Belonging and Office of Title IX Search Committees (2019 - 2021) 

Upon accepting my graduate assistantship, I expected to serve the Office of Title IX at BGSU. However, with the addition of the university's Division of Diversity and Belonging, I was presented the opportunity to work in the diversity area as my Title IX supervisor was promoted to Chief Diversity and Belonging Officer (CDBO). With this, I had a dual-like assistantship and my Title IX supervisor was serving in the role as Title IX Coordinator and CBDO. Looking to separately staff the Office of Title IX and the new Division of Diversity and Belonging, I had the opportunity to serve on the following search committees: 

  • Office of Title IX, Title IX Director Search Committee (Fall 2019)

  • Office of Title IX, Title IX Investigator Search Committee (Fall 2019) 

  • Division of Diversity and Belonging/Office of Title IX, Student Office Assistants (3) Search Committee (Fall 2019) 

  • Division of Diversity and Belonging/Office of Title IX, Graduate Assistant Search Committee (Spring 2021) 

Division of Diversity and Belonging and Office of Title IX (2019-2021) Graduate Assistant Transition Document 

Prior to entering the graduate assistant role within the Division of Diversity and Belonging and Office of Title IX, the area only had one graduate serve within the role and the area/position only focused on Title IX. As the the Division of Diversity and Belonging was created as a part of the university's strategic plan, the area was appointed to the university's Title IX Coordinator/Vice President of Student Affairs. With this, the needs of the graduate role shifted, and led to the graduate assistant serving in a dual-like internship. With this, I have created a transition document covering aspects of the role, for the incoming graduate assistant.  

Organizational and Human Resources (OHR): Text

Graduate College (Fall 2020) Graduate Student Orientation Presentation 

As the graduate assistant in the Division of Diversity and Belonging, my roles and responsibilities include speaking and presenting on behalf of the division, or division leadership. In the summer of 2020, as a part of the graduate student orientation, the BGSU Graduate College requested a presentation from the Division of Diversity and Belonging to share with the incoming graduate students. With this request, I was asked by division leadership to create and present a presentation covering aspects of the Division. From this, I explained things such as the division’s organizational structure; programming and services; vision and mission; as well as the division's purpose and history, or creation – as it is a new division. Focusing on the division's purpose and history, I believe this opportunity developed my leadership (LEAD) and OHR competency, as it required the ability to articulate the division’s goals and values, as well as its alignment with the university’s strategic plan. Furthermore, learning to articulate the division’s purpose and vision, I believe I have learned to better articulate my own beliefs and values, and better perform within my role understanding the division’s serving purpose, my serving purpose, and the similarities and differences between the two.

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Organizational and Human Resources (OHR): Image
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