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Exemplary Competency Assessment

As described by ACPA/NASPA (2016), Leadership (LEAD) “addresses the knowledge, skills, and dispositions required of a leader, with or without positional authority.” Along with understanding theory and current practices, student affairs professionals are expected to promote effective leadership (ACPA & NASPA, 2016), and obtain a level of self-reflection and ability to assess and shift cultures. Knowledge and skills within this area such as understanding foundational and theoretical principles of leadership, knowing elements that inform one’s leadership, developing teamwork and interpersonal skills, advocating for change and innovation, and more contribute to the competency development of LEAD. According to ACPA/NASPA (2015, 2016), development and experiential outcomes within LEAD include:

  • “Articulate the vision and mission of the primary work unit, the division, and the institution” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015, pg. 27).

  • “Describe how one’s personal values, beliefs, histories, and perspectives inform one’s view of oneself as an effective leader with and without roles of authority” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015, pg. 27).

  • “Explain the values and processes that lead to organizational improvement” (ACPA/NASPA, 2015, pg. 27).

  • Identify one’s own strengths and challenges as a leader and seek opportunities to develop leadership skills (ACPA/NASPA, 2015, pg. 27).

  • Convene appropriate personnel to identify and act on solutions to potential issues (ACPA/NASPA, 2015, pg. 28).

Activities and artifacts to fulfill my exemplary development within LEAD include: 

Leadership (LEAD): Text

Diversity & Belonging Programming (Fall 2020) We'll Rise Up:! A Discussion on (Black) Leadership Development at BGSU ft. Black, BGSU Alumni 

Following the wrap-up of the Division of Diversity and Belonging’s summer and fall kick-off programming (Day of Dialogue), to keep the momentum and develop my programming skills, in the fall of 2020, I was tasked to coordinate a panel-style program involving Black alumni who served as leaders on campus. This involved individuals who either serve on the Black alumni council, served within BGSU’s Black Student Union, or participated in BGSU’s President Leadership Academy. Appointed to plan this program, I focused on creating questions that would reflect on the challenges and successes on the panelists’ leadership experience, with emphasis on their identity as a Black leader. Understanding these panelists credited BGSU for a significant portion of their leadership development, it was important to highlight and recognize BGSU’s institutional characteristic of a predominantly White institution, and its potential impact on the panelists journey. With the panelists reflecting on these experiences, I believe the attendees (current Black BGSU leaders, etc.) had opportunity to learn about different phases of leadership, as well as reflect on their identity as a leader. This program discussed leadership challenges and solutions, addressing campus culture, and development of values within one’s work – developing the leadership philosophy of myself and others.

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Leadership (LEAD): Welcome

Diversity & Belonging Committee: Student Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion (SACODI) (Spring 2021) Ex-Officio Rountable Discussion with President Rodney K. Rogers, PhD. 

Following campus/university events, the Student Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion (SACODI) was invited to meet with Ex-Officio, including university president, President Rogers. In this meeting, student leadership was asked their thoughts and opinions on different topics to help improve the campus climate, with an emphasis on safety. Invited to this meeting, I called for a committee meeting with SACODI to discuss some ideas and recommendations to provide during the meeting. To ensure SACODI was strategic and intentional about the feedback and input provided during the meeting, I created an agenda outline while connecting with SACODI co-chairs and members to share and use during the Ex-Officio roundtable meeting. On the day of the meeting, I took notes highlighting things mentioned during the actual meeting. Both the agenda and meeting notes highlight examples and ideas of things that are done well, as well as things in need for improvement by the institution. Along with my involvement in SACODI, I believe this event helped my leadership competency as it has placed me in environments with university leaders of different levels, experience navigating "politics" within higher education, presented me with the challenge of balancing my opinions and involvement as a graduate student and a university employee, or student affairs professional, and provide or use  feedback to create and build towards solutions, in respond to problems and university operations. 

(A photo of Breion and university president, Rodney K. Rogers, PhD)

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Leadership (LEAD): Image

Along with other members within the Division of Diversity and Belonging, I had the opportunity to participate in collaborating with BGSU's marketing team to share and highlight ways BGSU celebrate diversity and inclusion. In my portion of the video, I take the opportunity to address BGSU's continuous work and effort to improve their collaboration between internal and external organizations to enhance the institution's sense of belonging and social justice efforts. I believe this developed my LEAD competencies, as it provided me experience in articulating a mission and goals of an institution and acknowledging their efforts towards it, by recognizing the institution's strengths, areas of improvement, and impact on others - acknowledging their role as a leader within the community and the community's culture. 

*Video Timestamp: 2:19

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Leadership (LEAD): Image
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