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Foundational Competency Assessment

As described by ACPA/NASPA (2016), Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF) “involves the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop and maintain integrity in one’s life and work.” Knowledge and skills within areas such as assessing and practicing wellness and healthy living, knowing ethical codes and professional standards, practicing self-assessment and reflection, and more contribute to the competency development of PEF. According to ACPA/NASPA (2015, 2016), development and experiential outcomes within PEF include:

  • “Articulate wellness as comprised of emotional, physical, social, environmental, relational, spiritual, moral, and intellectual elements.” (ACPA & NASPA, 2015, p. 26) 

  • “Explain how one’s behavior reflects ethics of profession and address lapses in one’s behavior.” (ACPA & NASPA, 2015, p. 26) 

  • “Identify ethical issues in the course of one’s job.” (ACPA & NASPA, 2015, p. 26) 

  • “Recognize importance of reflection in personal, professional, and ethical development.” (ACPA & NASPA, 2015, p. 27) 

Activities and artifacts to fulfill my foundational development within PEF include​:  

Restorative Justice Training (Fall 2019) 

As a part of its diversity education and programming, the Division of Diversity and Belonging offers numerous workshops and services ranging from implicit bias, cultural competence, bystander intervention, first-generation, race and ethnicity, and LGBTQ+ workshops, as well as restorative justice sessions. To assist with providing these workshops and services, along with other division members, I participated in Restorative Justice Training during the Fall of 2019., administrated by BGSU Chief Diversity and Belonging Officer, Jennifer McCary. Restorative Justice is an approach to justice that focuses on repairing harm caused by an incident (such as crime), determining best practices to encounter with individuals involved, and transform the dynamic of people, relationships, and communities (What is Restorative Justice, n.d.). 

In addition to the Restorative Justice training, I listen to Amplify RJ's (Restorative Justice) podcast, This Restorative Justice Life, on a consistent basis. 

CSP: 6035 Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs (Spring 2020) Reflection and Assessment Summary

Through the completion of a pre and post reflection paper, students within this course were to complete critical reflections assessing their entrance into multicultural competence concepts, "Where and How I Enter." In this assessment, students were to explore their understanding of themselves and their privileged and marginalized identities, along with their understanding of coursework concepts and its connection to their work in the field. 

(Attached is the pre-reflection paper) 

BGSU Day of Dialogue (Fall 2020) Virtual Panel Participation​ 

As a part of the BGSU's day of dialogue, I participated as a panelist in BGSU's Center for Impact segment in the programming, discussing the social change wheel, "What Can I Do to Affect Change in My Community?" 

*Video Time Stamp: 1:01:45

​Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF): Text
Center for Impact Panel.png

BGSU's Day of Dialogue engage in a discussion on our responsibility as a public university for the public good to address the challenges we face with race. This daylong event will explore a variety of topics that raise the awareness we must have to change the culture around how we deal with racial issues in the US. Joining Keynote speaker, Dr. McKinley E. Melton, will be representatives from the University Libraries, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Center for Public Impact, Graduate Student Senate, Diversity and Belonging, Graduate Student Senate and more.

​Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF): Image
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